Friday, 29 June 2012

Bucky tutorials

I'm to be starting an OU degree soon in computer science until then I am tutoring myself through Bucky Robert's site:

 For those of you that do not know who Bucky Roberts is, he is a YouTube educator that runs you through the basics of pretty much every language out there as well as some other tutorials on random stuff like how to make a go-kart from scratch and how to survive in the wild. The guy is extremely engaging and really simplifies the basic of computer programming, a real must for someone whos finding the languages of the coding world a little to alien.

 To help keep the learning of Computer Science interesting I decided to adopt a cool side hobby in 'game design'. Being naively unaware of how much work and complicated computer practice goes into game design I went in search of a little help and stumbled upon another great YouTube educator 'BergZerg'.

BergZerg's YouTube channel 'BurgZergarcade' hosts a unity RPG Game tutorial which runs you step by step through the creation of a full RPG game. Its very basic in terms of visuals so don't be expecting to whip out the next WoW (as you'll soon find out how ridiculous an idea that is) but in terms of being introduce to the demands of game design it is amazing.

His actual site has the original videos and a few more on different topics so worth a quick nosey if you like his work.

^I find the combination of these two tutorials especially the newboston C# tutorials and the bergzerg game design tutorials, really allows you to understand the applications of the simple codes you learn and how they work in a wide variety of scenarios. If you are interested in game design regardless of age or experience I really recommend checking these both out. 

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